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We provide environmentally conscious design, construction, and management services for a variety of projects.

At LandscapeLex, we have been providing expert landscaping services to our clients for over two decades. Our experienced team is dedicated to delivering excellence in every project we take on. We believe that friendly and personalized service is key to satisfying our clients and earning their loyalty. When you choose LandscapeLex, you are choosing a team that cares about the success of your project as much as you do.

Our Story

We are the premier landscaping contractor in the area, offering a wide variety of landscaping services to commercial and residential clients. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing exceptional quality and friendly service to all of our clients. With over 21 years of experience in the industry, we have built a reputation for excellence that is unmatched. Whether you need landscape design, installation, or maintenance, you can count on LandscapeLex to deliver the best results.

What We Value

At LandscapeLex, we are passionate about creating beautiful outdoor spaces that enhance your quality of life. We believe that landscaping is an art form, and we are committed to delivering creative and innovative designs that will exceed your expectations. We take pride in our work, and we are committed to providing exceptional customer service and quality workmanship, every step of the way.

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